Disclaimer - Important legal information
Storebrand Fonder is a management company authorized by the Swedish supervisory authority, Finansinspektionen, for the management of UCITS under the Swedish UCITS Act (SFS 2004:46). Storebrand Fonder has its registered office at Vasagatan 10, Stockholm.
This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America.
The funds described in the following pages are managed by Storebrand Fonder and can only be marketed in Sweden. All information regarding Storebrand Fonder and its funds is available at sppfonder.se in Swedish. This webpage contains general information in English about sustainability and I Key Investor Information documents ("KIID") for some of the funds in Storebrand Fonders range targeting English speaking investors residing in Sweden.
None of the information on this website and the following pages constitute financial advice or an offer or solicitation to invest in any of the funds referred to on this site in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation would be unlawful or in which the person making such offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so or to anyone to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. This website contains only general information. Applications to invest in any fund referred to on this site, must only be made on the basis of the offer document relating to the specific investment (e.g. the key investor information document and prospectus).
Specifically, the funds described on this website are not available for distribution to American citizens or to residents in or taxable to the United States of America.